Monday, March 24, 2008

The TBRC's next big fight

Having approved the "tax swap" last week, the Taxation and Budget Reform Commission will vote Wednesday on a proposal to limit revenue and spending at all levels of government - a concept generally known as a Taxpayers Bill of Rights.

And the lobbying is intense.

Mac Stipanovich is working against the proposal for the Florida League of Cities and fired off a 10-page letter that explores "Athenian" and "Mirage" interpretations of what constitutes new taxes and fees before concluding TABOR is "positively dangerous" and a "radical indictment of the efficacy of representative government in Florida."

David Biddulph of Americans for Prosperity provides 10 reasons why commissioners should vote for the plan. No. 1: economic prosperity. Biddulph asserts that in Colorado, which adopted TABOR in 1992, personal income growth has climbed as a result. "Should the Commission favor an amendment that is likely to improve Floridians' standard of living?"

St. Pete Times

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