Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Jeb urges a no vote on Pruitt's amendment

Marking the first time he has waded back into the thick of Tallahassee issues since leaving office, former Gov. Jeb Bush told The Miami Herald that he is opposed to a sweeping education constitutional amendment being proposed by current Senate President Ken Pruitt and sponsored by Sen. Lisa Carlton.

Bush's Foundation for Florida's Future is already urging members of the Senate Education PreK-12 Committee to vote against the measure when it meets later Wednesday, or strip the amendment of the provisions opposed by Bush's organization.

The Foundation does not like the idea of returning to an elected commissioner, saying it will weaken the power of the office of Governor, politicize education, and give the Legislature less control over education policy. Read the Foundation position on the amendment here: Download sjr_2308.doc

This now marks a second opponent to the amendment, which on Tuesday drew criticism from the Board of Governors who said it would be bad for the state's university system because it strips the appointed panel of its power. But the Foundation position paper makes it clear that the former governor and his allies are not taking a position on that part of the legislation.

Miami Herald

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