Friday, March 7, 2008

One cut the TBRC didn't expect

The Taxation and Budget Reform Commission is revered by some as a holy body, the wise elders who will figure out the state's woes and place "thoughtfully" crafted items on the November ballot.

But it's not too important to avoid the budget knife.

The TBRC could face cuts up to $700,000 under the Legislature's plan for the current fiscal year. "We're going to get whacked just like everyone else," Chairman Allan Bense said during this morning's meeting.

Staffer Susan Skelton said the commission should be OK because funds were set aside for emergency purposes.

"Ms. Skelton is very cheap," Bense said. As awkward laughter filled the room, he added, "Frugal, sorry."

But there is no funding in next year's budget and if the TBRC is to continue past May, something will need to be done. Bense said he would like the panel to take a breather but then perhaps take a detailed look at the method for funding schools and transportation allocations.

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