Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Rubio tells his father's story as symbolic of other working Floridians

House Speaker Marco Rubio gave his speech on the Opening Day of session Tuesday with a grim snyopsis of what he thinks the future of the state is. But, he said, his hope is based on people like his father who, at age 69 was still working -- just as he had done every day since age six after the death of his mother.

"He never went to school. He never had a childhood. He never had a chance,'' Rubio said. "As an adult, he made it the mission of his life to insure that his children would have all the opportunities he never had. That everything that had gone wrong in his life, would go right for them.

That work ethic kept him working help pay Rubio's way through college and law school. "Each of us here today has someone who made our future the mission of their lives,'' Rubio said. "...That is why we will never allow Florida to become like the place our parents came here to get away from.''

Rubio's Dad was not in the audience. He had traveled to Las Vegas to attend the funeral of Rubio's aunt. "That story is not unique to me,'' Rubio said. "It's a very common Floridian story about someone who did a lot so he could get ahead.''

Miami Herald

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