Thursday, March 13, 2008

Legislators cut into current budget

TALLAHASSEE — Like a household struggling to pay the bills after a family member gets a pay cut, state lawmakers on Wednesday voted to cut back plans for what it will spend this year on just about everything, from schoolchildren to prosecutors.

The budget that laid out how government would pay for everything it does in the current fiscal year -- which does not end until June 30 -- will now be about $1.5 billion smaller than it was when legislators agreed on it last May. That is assuming Gov. Charlie Crist signs off on the latest cuts, which he is expected to do.

The gloomy task of downsizing the roughly $70 billion budget was necessary because when lawmakers last spring created that plan for how Florida would spend its money, they did not anticipate just how much or how quickly the state's economy would contract, taking tax collections spiraling downward with it.

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